Summer Teams

From the summer I spent with the Shalom Team, I gained a greater love and respect for Israel and the Jewish people. I was also challenged like I had never been before in the area of street evangelism in NYC, with my eyes being opened to the blessings and difficulties of that type of ministry. I think my time with Shalom impacted me most in that it burned deeper into my heart a desire for Israel to know Yeshua, her Messiah, and it increased the reality of my hope in His return.

One of the best summers I’ve ever had in my life was going to Israel with the Shalom Summer Missions Team. I not only grew in my knowledge of the biblical Israel, but also in my love for the Jewish people. God is still continuing to use that summer in my life today, and I would highly recommend it to anyone else.
Holy Land Tours
Craig Hartman and Shalom Ministries Inc. are pleased to host tours of the Holy Land for various groups and institutions.
Through Jewish Eyes
In Through Jewish Eyes, you’ll find a myriad of parallels between Jewish customs and New Testament truth. Drawing from his own Jewish heritage, Hartman demonstrates how to use these parallels as points of contact for a gospel witness and for a better understanding of the New Testament s Jewish background. He speaks about the need for Christians to understand Judaism and to reach their Jewish neighbors and coworkers with news of the Messiah. Through Jewish Eyes will give you deeper insight into the Scripture and into Jewish culture.